Exclusive Interview with Holiska Koirala: A Miss Nepal 2023 Finalist and Inspiring Role Model

Dive into the fascinating world of beauty pageants as we sit down for an exclusive interview with Holiska Koirala, one of the remarkable finalists of Miss Nepal 2023. 

Gain insights into Holiska’s journey, aspirations, and the challenges she faced in pursuit of her dreams. Discover her inspiring story, her advocacy, and how she plans to make a positive impact on society. Join us as we uncover the incredible qualities that make Holiska a true role model for aspiring beauty queens and young women everywhere

Today we have a special guest with Miss Nepal 2023 Finalist Holiska Koirala. She is competing for the crowns of Miss World Nepal 2023, Miss Earth Nepal 2023, and Miss International 2023. The grand coronation event will take place on 27 May 2023 at Godavari Sunrise Convention Center, Nepal. Holiska Koirala is contestant no 15 representing Kathmandu City in the national beauty pageant.

1. Can you please introduce yourself to the world? Who is Miss Holiska Koirala?

I am Holiska Koirala, 25 years old, born and raised in Kathmandu, Nepal. I did my undergraduate in Business in Barcelona and returned to Nepal to start my own company; it is called Chiya by Siddha Devi Tea based in Ilam, the Eastern part of Nepal. We make organic orthodox tea; Ilam is known for its high-quality tea leaves.

2. What made you decide to enter Miss Nepal 2023 beauty pageant?

Miss Nepal is arguably the biggest platform in Nepal to raise my voice on social causes including gender equality, international cultural exchange, environmental sustainability, and slow fashion, all of which I am deeply passionate about.

3. How will you describe yourself in 3 words?

Kind, Bold, Glamorous.

4. Who is your favorite beauty queen and why? (It can be anyone from Miss Nepal winners to International Queens)

Manita Devkota, Miss Nepal Universe 2018. She is so confident, stunning, and of course hardworking and it showed. From the start of her Miss Nepal journey til her way to the Top 10 of Miss Universe!

5. Can you tell us about any social work you are currently involved in and what made you decide to pick this particular social issue?

I have been part of social works through the Rotary Club, from a very young age of 12. Siddha Devi Chiya is based on all of the social values that my parents passed on to me. Chiya employs local rural women; our family is 99% women; giving a platform for single mothers and domestic abuse survivors to become financially independent with international training. Chiya is also Nepal’s only Ecocert-certified tea and we do not use plastic. Women still don’t get equal job opportunities in Nepal, especially single mothers and survivors because of our society and I wanted to create a platform especially for them. As a developing country, much focus on environmental sustainability is not given; with climate disasters going on, I wanted to make an effort as an entrepreneur. My two biggest causes women’s safety and empowerment; and environmental sustainability are all poured into my startup.

6. Tell us about how have you been preparing yourself to win the Miss Nepal 2023 crown?

Lots and lots of practice! The Hidden Treasure puts so much effort into physical and mental training; working out, eating nutritional food, learning, and having conversations with different industry professionals from around the country has helped me to prepare myself physically and mentally.

7. What is your motto in life?

You create your own destiny.

8. Which crown are you targeting among Miss Nepal World, Miss Nepal Earth, and Miss Nepal International and why?

Miss World because it advocates for humanitarian issues with Beauty with a Purpose, which I personally believe is the most important title. I get to showcase my purpose and my country, its culture, and traditions while learning from strong, confident women from over 100 countries. Nonetheless, all three titles have their own purpose, and learning from international and cross-cultural women about their journeys, struggles, and success, from all around the world is my ultimate goal. 

9. Who is the most influential person in your life and why?

My mother, Nirmala Sharma. She married my dad when she was 19, and completed her undergraduate education while being pregnant. She is a social worker; the kindest, most resilient, strongest person I know, and she is my best friend and my biggest supporter. I am who I am because of her values.

10. What has been your proudest accomplishment in your life?

When I moved out of the country at the age of 18 for my undergraduate studies. That was a difficult but necessary step for me to learn to become independent. I am very proud of myself to have had the courage to do so. 

11 What is your future ambition after Miss Nepal?

Irrespective of the result, I will continue to advocate for women’s empowerment, safety, security, financial independence sustainability, and pushing boundaries in fashion!

12 Are there any celebrities who inspire your style? and why? (Fashion inspiration?)

Not celebrities, but series characters. Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl was my style icon while growing up. Also, Fallon Carrington from Dynasty.

13 What does the title of Miss Nepal mean to you?

For me, The title of Miss Nepal, arguably the most prestigious platform in the country, is a safe space for women to advocate for important social issues. The difference in society that can be made through this title, nationally and internationally is what made me.

14 What is one thing that we would not know about you just by looking at you? (Talent/Hobby or Interest)

I am a super adventurous person. I have skydived, scuba-dived, and cliff-jumped.

15 You seem like a well-traveled person, which has the best place you have traveled and why did you pick this particular place?

Paris. Art and fashion are my biggest passion, I love the French language. I have a big sweet tooth and French desserts are my favorite.

16 What are your expectations from Miss Nepal 2023 pageant?

I think more than expecting anything from it I am enjoying this once-in-a-lifetime experience. This is entirely different from how my life has been until I decided to join this pageant. Of course, I am giving my best in the competition, and if I am fortunate enough to win the title, I believe I will and can very smartly use the platform to transform the lives of women in our country. Crown or no crown, I will walk out of it as a transformed woman who will never stop achieving for myself and for those in need.

17 If you win Miss Nepal, what is the first thing you will do?

The first thing? I’ll celebrate with my family, my biggest supporters. 

18 If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would that be?

Sit straight and stretch!!! And of course, believe in yourself and be confident of the choices you make because no one else knows you better than you.

19 What has been your favorite moment during the training sessions for Miss Nepal 2023?

My training moment is our session with Mr. Mahesh Dahal. It was a personality development class but also so much more than that — I poured my heart out and learned about each others’ struggles and journeys that put all 24 of us together on this platform. It was eye-opening!

20 If you could have the powers of any superhero what would it be?

Reading minds!

21 What is the most important lesson you have learned from life?

The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.

22 How important are beauty pageants in today’s world?

The platform and pageant following the crowd is a big plus point about beauty pageants. The top 3 titles each hold the importance to share our own diverse culture, traditions, values, and most importantly social causes in the national and global platform; while learning the same from other countries. Sharing a stage with confident women who want to make a difference, is very empowering in my opinion. 

23 Why do you think you should be the next Miss Nepal 2023 winner?

Hard work, confidence, and kindness are what is needed to win the title, and I believe I possess all of the qualities to win and make a difference in our society in the causes I believe in. 

Do you have any message you would like to give to our readers and your supporters?

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the love and support you all have been giving me. I am and will keep working hard every day to make you and Nepal proud, nationally (and internationally if I do win a title.)  Always be kind.

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