Interview with Mister National Thailand 2023 Dr. Kritti Nampradit

The upcoming Mister National Universe 2023 pageant will be held on 27 June 2023 at the 5-Star Amari Watergate Bangkok Hotel, Thailand. Last year’s winner Ngo Hoang Phi Viet of Vietnam will crown his successor by the end of the event. More than fifteen delegates are expected to compete at the upcoming international male pageant based in Bangkok, Thailand. In this article, we have interviewed handsome and intelligent Doctor Kritti Nampradit Mister National Thailand 2023 Dr. Kritti Nampradit. He will represent Thailand at the Mister National Universe 2023 male pageant in Bangkok, Thailand.

1 Can you
please introduce yourself to the world?

My name is
Kritti Nampradit, I am 33 years old and stand at a height of 185cm 6 feet 1
inch tall. I have graduated with a Doctor of Medicine degree from 
Our Lady Of Fatima University Philippines in Valenzuela, Metro Manila, Philippines.


2 Where did you
grow up (hometown) and how were you as a teenager?

I was born and
raised in Kanchanaburi located in the Western Region of Thailand.


3 How will you
describe yourself in three words?

Happiness, Respectful


4 What made you
decide to enter Mister National Universe 2023 beauty pageant?

I have been
planning for 3 years ago to compete in the Mister National Universe pageant,
and this year I feel ready to win the title.


5 Who is your
favorite pageant king and why?

Mr. Viet Hong
Mister National Universe 2022 and Enmanuel “Manu” Franco Mister International
2022 are my favorite pageant kings who inspire me.

6 Can you tell
us about any social work you are currently involved in and what made you decide
to pick this particular social issue?

I have promoted
short story books and many kinds of books because I enjoy reading books and
gaining knowledge about different topics.


7 How have you
been preparing yourself to win the Mister National Universe 2023 crown?

I have been
preparing with a positive mindset and my skills will help me win and get the
crown of Mister National Universe 2023,


8 What is your
motto in life?

To be yourself
and do your best.


9 Who is the
most influential person and why?

Oprah Winfrey
because she had always been my biggest inspiration and she provides power to
many people through her humanitarian projects and helping millions of people
from around the world. She is my role model and I aspire to help
underprivileged people through my background as a doctor.


10 What has
been your proudest achievement in your life?

I take care of
and support my father until he was cured of cancer. It was a really memorable
and touching moment in my life.

11 What is your
future ambition after Mister National Universe 2023 beauty pageant?

l beauty pageant?

Now, I have
TikTok and Facebook channels where I talk about my medical background and educated people and hopefully after the pageant, I will become
successful in the future.


12 Are there
any celebrities who inspire your style? and why? (Fashion inspiration?)

Chris Hemsworth,
I love his style and active lifestyle like an athlete.


13 What does
the title of Mister National Universe 2023 mean to you?

Mister National
Universe 2023 is a gentleman, respectful of other people, and a good
entertainer on the stage. I believe that I possess these qualities to be the
next winner.


14 What is one
thing that we would not know about you just by looking at you?

I can make sounds
like a duck. haha


15 You seem
like a well-traveled person based on your social media. Out of all the places
that you have traveled to, which is your favorite, and why is it your favorite?

Cebu Island in
the Philippines is a beautiful place, it has many breathtaking sandy beaches
and clear seawater. I also had the chance to meet with warm and friendly Filipino
people. It is my favorite holiday destination and I look forward to visiting
Cebu, Philippines again in the future.

16 What are
your expectations from Mister National Universe 2023?

I look forward
to having a good experience in this pageant, making new friends from other
countries, teamwork, and hopefully win the crown as well.


17 If you win the
Mister National Universe 2023 title, what is the first thing you will do?

I will donate
all of the prize money to the library for the Children’s charity because I
believe education can change your life. I was lucky enough to get higher
education however, many people cannot access the same privilege I had. I will
like to help underprivileged people to gain good quality education.


18 If you could
give your younger self one piece of advice, what would that be?

The first thing
is to believe in yourself because this is your own life, you can do everything.


19 If you can
promote your hometown to the international audience reading this interview, how
will you promote your hometown?

My hometown Kanchanaburi
has very delicious and tasty street food and friendly people. Thailand is known
as the land of smiles and we are proud of our democracy.


20 If you could
have any superpowers. What would it be?

The power of Happiness,
I want to see everyone happy and have big smiles on their faces.

21 What is the
most important lesson you have learned from life?

I failed the
1st year of medical school and never gave up. I tried hard and put up and now I
became a doctor because of my dedication and drive. If I can do it, you can do
it too.


22 How
important are beauty pageants in today’s world?

Now beauty
pageants are not only about being beautiful and handsome, but it is also
important to have a social cause to help other people. You can speak for the
homeless, through charity, and help disabled people. It can get equal life and
chance for education or work the same everyone.


23 Why should
you be the next Mister National Universe 2023 winner?

I have worked a
lot in the countryside of Thailand, many children can go to school but there is
not any library there. If I became the next Mister National Universe 2023, then
I will bring all opportunity and donate all of the prize money to make the
library for the Children’s charity because I believe education can change our

Do you have any
message you would like to give to our readers and your supporters?

Thank you for your
support and please continue to give your support as I want to help many people
as a doctor and winning the title of Mister National Universe will help me reach
my advo
cacy to a bigger audience. Kob khun krub.

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